Thursday, 30 June 2016

It'll Be Okay When...

It'll be okay when the baby is born, I'll be able to move more then.
It'll be okay once we move out of this tiny flat, I'll be less stressed.
It'll be okay once the meds kick in, I'll be back to normal then.
It'll be okay once he's in a routine, we'll get more sleep then.
It'll be okay once the baby is born, I won't be in pain then.
It'll be okay once we get a car, we can get out more then.
It'll be okay once you change jobs, we'll have more time together then.
It'll be okay once I change my meds, I'll be happier then.
It'll be okay once we've sorted the debt, there will be less debt.
It'll be okay once I have the weight loss surgery, I'll be happy then.
It'll be okay once we move out of this flat, its too small anyway.

Yes but will it actually ever be okay?
I can't help but think there one common denominator between everything not being okay and my consistent unhappiness.


I could change my circumstances upside down and around again but I will still be unhappy.
This upsets me because I'm not sure what I can what I can do to make myself happy.

I'll get back to you on that one.

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